
Compulsory Attendance Ages: Between the ages of 6 and 18.

Required Days of Instruction: None.

Required Subjects: Curriculum must “be structured and based on educational objectives as well as the needs of the child, be cumulative and sequential, provide a range of up-to-date knowledge and needed skills, and take into account the interests, needs, and abilities of the child.” Elementary: “may include” language arts, math, social studies, science, art, music, health, and physical education. Secondary: “may include” social studies, English, mathematics, science, health, physical education, and guidance.

Home School Statute: Yes.

Home Schools have two options:

  • A child is exempt “if notification of intent to home school has been submitted to the principal of the public school which the child would otherwise be required to attend in accordance with Department rules promulgated to achieve this result.”
  • A child is exempt from compulsory attendance when “enrolled in an appropriate alternative educational program as approved by the superintendent.”

Teacher Qualifications: None for parents under Option 1 above, but instructors under Option 2 must have a bachelor’s degree.

Standardized Tests: At the end of each school year an “annual report of child’s progress” must be submitted to local principal.

For more information, please see the HSLDA website.

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